So, 2013 is winding down and I'm feeling a need to reflect on "how it all went."
How did the past year go for you?
For me it was a mix off good and bad, pretty much life as usual, actually...
In the past year, I said 'hello' to age 51, goodbye to regular periods, hello to sporadic periods that last three weeks and then skip the next month, goodbye to second helpings at dinner, goodbye to 35 pounds, and hello to jeans that are six sizes smaller. And, the really important part, I can climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath and needing to sit down.
How are you doing?
Physically, I'm a little better off. As far as my career, it has hit tiny bursts of progress followed by major steps backwards - but overall it's coming out a bit of ahead of where it was last year - just not where I want it to be.
What do you want to talk about?
You are my readers, and I am working on this blog for you as much as for myself. What are your concerns? How can my experiences help you? In a way, as I march into the menopausal phase of my life, my physical and financial conditions are the hallmarks I am focusing on. I'm sure those will change as I move ahead, and I would love to hear from you, if you care to share, about what you are focusing on.
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