Saturday, May 28, 2016

Keep Your Personal Strength and Power Alive

Keep Your Personal Strength and Power Alive
By: Laurie Miller

Personal Strength image courtesy of Pixabay

Initially after a health crisis hits, after the shock of the diagnosis and the meetings with your doctors, hope and desire to overcome the illness is strong. Your loved ones and friends are supportive and positive. Hope is a powerful thing and is necessary in managing to maintain a positive outlook.

Personal strength - physical, mental and emotional - allows you to handle the rocky road and the ups and downs that are inevitably part of a health crisis. Personal strength comes from many sources and your belief system (spiritual, religious, or about life in general) plays an important role. Mental and emotional strength, in particular, come from the messages you send yourself and the choices you make. If your upbringing included messages like "you can do anything you set your mind to" or "you are capable of creating your positive outcomes," those messages become the solid base of that gives you strength.

Your experiences in life such as moving past a bad situation or making a major change to improve your well-being build even more personal strength as you realize that you can indeed heal from traumatic and difficult experiences. As they say, "time heals all" and this is so true, especially if you actively work on healing and moving past traumas, disappointments, and failures.

On the other hand, it is easy during a health crisis to take on a "poor me" attitude or feel like a victim. Some of this is normal, but too much weakens your personal strength and personal power. When you find yourself in this negative state, notice it, feel it, experience it, explore it . . . and then release it. "Poor me" may seem protective as it enables you to stay stuck and not really deal with the emotions that come with health crisis such as fear or make necessary but difficult changes. However, in the long term this attitude only serves to bring you down and lessen your quality of life.

Physical strength can be built back after chemotherapy, radiation, or other medical treatments. Give your body good foods, nutrients, and supplements to strengthen it. Drink plenty of water and exercise within your capacity to enhance physical stamina and strength. When you feel physically strong, mental and emotional strength follow and likewise when you are emotionally and mentally strong and resilient, you have more physical resources.

So, if you are in a space where you need strength, take a deep breath and feel a surge of oxygen entering your body and giving you life force energy. Do it again and you will feel even better, lighter, and more comfortable. When I find myself feeling down, I say, "Hello down (or sadness or fear or whatever the emotion may be). I am aware of you." Staying stuck in that negative place feels icky so I make a conscious decision to shift my mental, emotional, physical state and it works! I feel better, I smile, and I thrive!

Taking your mind away from the details of the health crisis to pleasure, fantasy, and enjoyable stimuli also helps shift you out of a negative state and build your strength. It is important to engage in activities that enhance your quality of life such as reading, attending movies and concerts, and getting plenty of laughter. Set aside the health crisis and all the decisions, questions, and concerns for a period of time. Listen to music, a hypnosis CD, or something else that brings you pleasure and relaxation. When you do this your body relaxes, your emotions calm, and your mind quiets. This restores the inner strength and personal power that keeps you going, keeps you positive, and keeps you motivated to live well even in the midst of a health challenge.

© 2013, Hypnosis Concepts. Publication rights granted so long as article and byline are reprinted intact, with all links made live.
Laurie Miller is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with more than 30 years of experience helping people achieve health and happiness. Laurie can use her training and her experience with illness to help you. Read her articles for free at and purchase her prerecorded hypnosis sessions at
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Breast Cancer Unmasked!

Breast Cancer Unmasked!

By: Eunice Chege
Breast Cancer ribbon image courtesy of Pixabay

Breast Cancer

This is a cancer that develops from breast tissue, and it's one of the most common cancers affecting females. Most women who get it are over 40 years old, this is a ration of 8 to 10. Younger women and men also get breast cancer in rare case. If it's treated early enough, breast cancer is curable and can be prevented from spreading to other parts of the body.

In this article, I will feature on breast cancer in women.


The month of October is worldwide Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's dedicated to raise consciousness about the thousands of women who are diagnosed with the disease every year. The pink ribbon and the colour pink in general, is an international symbol for breast cancer month. Pink is considered feminine and the roles that come with this gender like being beautiful, caring, good and being cooperative.

Signs and Symptoms to look out for:

1. Lump in the breast.
2. Fluid coming from the nipple.
3. Dimpling of the skin around the breast.
4. A change in breast shape.
5. A red scaly patch of skin.
6. Swollen lymph nodes, around the breast.
7. Shortness of breath.


No one knows the exact cause of breast cancer. Medics rarely know why some women develop breast cancer while others don't. Most women who have breast cancer will never be able to tell the exact cause. One thing for sure breast cancer is always caused by damage to a cell's DNA.

Risks factors

Some of these risks can be changed and for some we can do little about as we have absolutely no control over them.

1. A female whose female relatives have had breast cancer is two to three times more likely to develop the disease. This is because the disease is hereditary.
2. Advancing in age. As we saw earlier the big percentage of cancer patients lies from 40 years of age onwards.
3. Lack of childbearing or lack of breastfeeding.
4. Great exposure to estrogen hormone. Estrogen makes cells to divide, the more the cells divide, they become abnormal, thus becoming cancerous.
Estrogen exposure is greatly affected by the age a lady starts and stops menstruating, the average length of her menstrual cycle, and her age at first childbirth. Her risk for breast cancer is increased if she starts menstruating before age 12, has her first child after age 30, or stops menstruating after age the age of 50 years and above. Also, if she has her menstrual cycle shorter or longer than the average 24-28 days.
5. Radiation exposure. If you get radiation treatments to your chest as a child or young adult, your risk of breast cancer is increased.
6. Diet. Research has shown that women with high fat intake diets are more prone to getting the disease.
7. Lack of physical activity.
8. The ladies that smoke and drink alcohol increase the risk of developing this cancer.
9. Chances of getting breast cancer are increased if you've had breast cancer in one breast before.

Do self-examination of the breast always to check for the above symptoms. If you see anything suspicious see your doctor immediately.
Do mammography tests every two years for early detection.

Although screening for breast cancer cannot prevent you from getting breast cancer, it can help find it early when it is easier to treat. Talk to your doctor about which screening tests are right for you, and when you should have them.

For more of this informative articles see
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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Heck With It!!! When is Rage From Menopause and When it is Caused by Jerks?

Do you ever just want to throw up your hands and say, "The heck with it!!!?"

The Heck With It!!!

We all get there once in a while, but how do you know when that state of ugh is caused by menopause and when it is coming from outside sources.

You know - maybe when your husband thinks you're cranky because you are in menopause, maybe you're really cranky because he's a dolt!

That's not my problem today, though, my dolt moved out over a year ago, and it's been the happiest year of my life!

I highly recommend divorce over blaming menopause - because my moods evened out the day he left and I started sleeping better - of course - that's just me.

So, today, I'm just in a mood to rant - am I bummed that the marriage failed? Sure - it was supposed to last  a lifetime? It didn't. Oh well. Life is better without him.

But, today, well, the last few days really, I have been restless and irritable. I don't know why - I don't care why - I just feel like griping - or crying - or breaking something.

So here I am, on Fat and Cranky, being cranky...

I'd apologize, but the heck with it!!! - I don't want to.

If you read this to end, thanks for sticking by and letting me vent, you're more than welcome to add your own vents to the comment section - I promise I'll read every word.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Post Menopause Libido

Post Menopause Libido

By Ryan English

Most women get embarrassed when asked about their libidos during the post menopausal years. When asked about their quality of sex life, orgasm, and satisfaction of their sexuality, they find it hard to answer those questions because their post menopausal libido has changed them so much. They find it difficult to find the answers they need, and they find it difficult to relieve the symptoms of mood swings, tiredness, vaginal dryness, and hot flashes during this time.

During the years of post menopause the female body is in an uproar. Changing hormone levels, along with the symptoms of menopause cause a woman to lose her interest in sexual activity. It is during these years that the home life changes, our babies become teenagers, and stress is at an all time high. Because of these factors, sex becomes less important to a woman as it did in younger years.

By exploring your sexuality during this time can be a huge help. Realizing that there is no worry of pregnancy, and your growing child getting ready to leave the house can really help. It gives you time to explore your partner and try new things to increase the level of sexual desire.

Because there are emotional and physical factors, your sex drive can be severely changed.

Looking at the physical factors first, you will find that those can be changed easier than the emotional ones.

Hormonal imbalance is probably the greatest factor in a post menopausal libido. With the stress, mood swings, and hot flashes, it is time to look into getting those hormones in balance. Once a woman gets her hormones in check, her desire for sexual intercourse returns. Because stress is such a huge factor, a woman's body will put survival ahead of pleasure. Adrenal glands become over-worked causing the woman's body to decrease her levels of estrogen and testosterone, the two key ingredients of desire, and sexual response.

There is a direct link between nutrition and libido, though most don't recognize that their diets could be affecting their desire to have intercourse. When a woman become a chronic dieter, she loses that self-esteem, something that is vital for a woman to have desire. When she doesn't feel good about herself, it is difficult to let go and relax, allowing those hormones to create the desire it once had, thus affecting the libido. Low fat diets cause the body to stop producing lipids which is a very important ingredient for making those hormones that create desire.

On the emotional scale, a woman's desire is directly tied to her self image. Going through post menopause, our bodies gain weight, we have mood swings, and when hot flashes occur, we don't want to be touched. Experts claim that humans are the only species that use pheromones to feel sexy. As the body ages, the body image changes too.

Relationship problems arise during post menopause because it is during that time that a woman finds herself being more absorbed with self, than with the rest of the family. It is a time that she finds herself more irritated, and more vocal.

The changes of the vagina during this time are thinning, tightening, and dryness in the vulva and vagina. Some women stop having sex all together due to the pain and discomfort of these symptoms. Using Vitamin E lubricants, along with water-based lubricants can be a huge help in treating these symptoms. Hydration also plays a huge factor during this time, and by drinking plenty of fluids can also help tremendously.

Related Articles:

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Post Menopause Hair Loss

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The Menopausal Survival Guide

The Menopausal Survival Guide

By Liz Skrbkova


According to one of the leading American experts on menopause, Dr. Karen Deighan "a positive attitude and a little preparation" can make a huge difference in the way women experience menopause. Targeting menopausal symptoms before they occur is essential to getting through this stage of life.

"Menopause is not a disease. It is a normal event; a passage from one stage of life to another."

Menopause is in many cases the time when women enter "the most productive and lucrative stages" of their career, fulfilling their professional aspirations. It is also the time when many children leave home - giving women the opportunity and time to focus on themselves. According to Menopause Signs, "Menopause can be a time of unprecedented self-confidence, freedom and financial liberation for women."

Also, a recent American study found that stress, a lower income and attitudes toward aging had a significant effect on the way women experienced menopausal symptoms. Having a positive outlook on life changes the way women go through menopause.

Dr. Sheryl Kingsberg, of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, reveals that life expectancy for western women is more than 82 years of age, which means that a third of a woman's life can take place after menopause. She reminds women, "Menopause is not a disease. It is a normal event; a passage from one stage of life to another."

Avoiding menopausal weight gain

Women often struggle to maintain their weight as they grow older.

It is estimated that up to 90% of menopausal women experience some type of weight gain in the period leading up to menopause (perimenopause) as well as during menopause.

Hormonal imbalances in combination with genetic factors, stress and the loss of muscle tissue associated with aging may leave women with a few extra inches on their waistline. Also, menopausal women, especially those experiencing debilitating symptoms, are often times less likely to exercise. In addition to this, "women experience a metabolic slowdown of about 10-15 percent at midlife compared to earlier in life, making our bodies more efficient at taking in and storing fat," according to Christiane Northrup, M.D., internationally known author and speaker with an empowering approach to women's health and wellness.

The weight acquired during menopause no longer distributes itself equally, tending to settle instead in the belly area. Many women gradually gain 5 to 15 pounds during menopause and unless they adapt their diet, the weight gain may be even more prominent.

As women grow older, they can expect a change in their bodies. Although a slight weight gain can be expected (and may even ease certain menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes) excessive weight gain is problematic as it can lead to high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and even certain types of cancer. If you are carrying many extra kilos, your menopausal symptoms may also be worse as a result.

According to the Mayo Clinic: "Gaining as little as 4.4 pounds at age 50 or later could increase the risk of breast cancer by 30 percent."

To avoid or combat this weight gain, it is important to increase the amount of exercise and to be consistent in one's exercise regime. Crash diets should be avoided at all costs during menopause as they wreak havoc on the metabolism. Women should rather take steps to alter their lifestyle and improve their health. Avoiding refined sugars and opting instead for a rich and varied lower-calorie diet is very important. However, losing too much weight can also be dangerous as it may lead to a greater risk for osteoporosis.

Eating right

A nutritious diet in combination with plenty of exercise leads to better physical and mental health during menopause. Research has shown that women in their 50's need approximately 200 fewer calories than women 10 or 20 years younger just to maintain their weight, let alone to drop a few pounds. This means women will need to change their eating habits as they will most likely not be able to eat like they used to. Controlling which foods you intake and the portion sizes, rather than calories is the most effective route. Also, do not skip meals, as this will only lead you to overeat later. It is suggested that menopausal women eat three meals a day, rather than skipping breakfast or lunch as the food eaten later in the day is more likely to be stored as fat due to the slowing down of the metabolism. Personal trainer Kristin McGee, a personal trainer who works with menopausal women in their 50's and 60's, suggests following the simple rule: "Eat like a queen in the morning, a princess at lunch, and a pauper at dinner!"

Menopausal women should enjoy a diet consisting of plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, nuts, seeds, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products - all in small portions. "Be a grazer, not a gorger!" MedicineNet suggests.

� Whole grains

In addition to plenty of exercise, it is recommended that menopausal women eat whole grain foods, which can reduce constipation, as well as reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Whole grains include rye and wholemeal bread, wheat cereal and oats, brown rice or wholegrain pasta, which are rich in nutrients, fibre, vitamin B, minerals and selenium. Whole grains are preferred to white rice, white bread, potatoes and pasta, which are calorie-rich but nutritionally empty.

The United States Department of Agriculture suggests "It's important to substitute the whole-grain product for the refined one, rather than adding the whole grain product." Women should look at the food label to ensure that the product names "one of the following whole-grain ingredients first on the label's ingredient list: 'brown rice,' 'bulgur,' 'graham flour,' 'oatmeal,' 'whole-grain corn,' 'whole oats,' 'whole rye,' 'whole wheat,' 'wild rice.'" However, Dr Christiane Northrup warns that even women who "have eliminated refined grains [...] may still have problems with whole wheat, whole rye, whole oat, or millet flour" due to a high carbohydrate sensitivity.

� The 'good fats'

Substituting certain types of fats and oils for others can make a huge difference to how you feel, as well as reducing cholesterol levels and improving heart health and slowing the hardening of the arteries. Dr Christiane Northrup saw her female patients "complain of sallow skin, brittle hair and nails, susceptibility to infection, inability to concentrate, and weight gain despite their rigid diets. None of these women were getting enough healthy fat."

It is suggested that women limit their intake of saturated fats, which are known to raise blood cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. Saturated fatty acids include butter, whole milk and cream, eggs, chocolate and red meat. The USDA suggests a limited consumption of these foods. Trans fats, contained in fried foods, crackers, cookies and snack foods also increase LDL cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are preferred to saturated fats as they may lower cholesterol levels and lower the risk of coronary heart disease. Foods with a high content of these fats include avocados, nuts, olive oil and canola oils.

Omega-3 fats have been linked to reducing the severity of menopausal symptoms, especially psychological stress, mood swings and depression.

Omega-3 fatty acids could reduce the 'psychological distress' and depression associated with menopause.

Although more research is necessary, a Canadian study recently found that omega-3 fats had a positive effect on women's mental state. Omega-3 fats are contained in fish, including salmon, halibut, cod, catfish, trout, sardines, and herring, as well as in krill, shrimp and clams, green-lipped mussel, raspberries, flaxseed, walnuts, pecan nuts and hazelnuts.

� Fruits and vegetables

Menopausal women benefit from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as they are naturally low in fat and contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. Fruits such as plums, strawberries, apples, pears, grapefruit and raspberries contain boron, a mineral that seems to increase estrogen levels in middle-aged women. Some fruits and vegetables also contain phytoestrogens, a plant form of estrogen, which may "potentially diminish some of the discomforts caused by lower estrogen levels during menopause," according to Medicine Net. More research is needed to confirm these positive effects.

Dr Christiane Northrup suggests women choose fruits and vegetables that are rich in colour as "the deep pigments in these foods contain powerful antioxidants. Go for broccoli, green leafy vegetables, berries, red, yellow and green peppers, and tomatoes, and vary your choices through the seasons, " she suggests. "Antioxidants combat cellular damage from free radicals, which are known to be a cause of chronic conditions such as heart disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, and cancer," she confirms.

Substituting high-calorie foods with fruits and vegetables can also be part of a successful weight loss strategy.

� Protein foods

Lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, peas, eggs, nuts and seeds are all high in protein and should be an integral part of a menopausal women's diet, eaten at almost every meal. Women should choose the leanest cuts of beef (and at least 90% lean ground beef), pork and skinless chicken and turkey. Some organ meats such as liver are fairly high in cholesterol, as are egg yolks. Processed meats may have a higher sodium content.

Beans, peas, lentils, soy, carob and nuts are all legumes, known as sources of plant protein, as well as nutrients like iron and zinc and dietary fibre. Beans are an excellent choice for menopausal women as they are a low-fat source of protein and they contain fibre and many vitamins and minerals. They also keep women feeling fuller for longer and contain plant-based estrogens, phytoestrogens.

Soy has been praised for its role in lowering the risks of heart disease and its positive effects on bone health. Recent studies have shown that the phytoestrogens contained in soy products such as soy milk, tofu or soy nuts may also ease problematic menopausal symptoms, especially hot flushes. According to HealthCastle Nutrition:

"In Japan, where soy foods are commonly consumed daily, women are only one-third as likely to report menopausal symptoms as in the United States or Canada. In fact, there is no word in the Japanese language for 'hot flashes.'"

"Soy products have been taken by women and promoted for relief of menopausal symptoms," according to Australian women's health expert Dr Jane Elliott. The results obtained from research studies are limited but "new research currently being undertaken is looking at a compound derived from soy," she confirms.

Nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts contain vitamin E, which women have also reported as helpful for certain menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes. Flaxseed, which contains both omega-3 fatty acids and lignans, has also shown promising results in treating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings. According to dietician Jane Reinhardt-Martin, "Cross-cultural research shows that women whose traditional diet features a high intake of soy and flax have, on average, a milder menopausal experience."

� Dairy products

A menopausal woman's dairy intake should be composed of mainly low-fat sources. The USDA warns that cheese, cream and butter do not retain their calcium content but dairy products, as well as dark leafy greens are good sources of calcium. A range of calcium-fortified juice and soy beverages are also available. According to Menopause Matters, "During menopause an adequate daily calcium intake is especially important to help protect and maintain bone density as bone loss accelerates."

�Which foods to avoid

During menopause, it is best to limit or avoid processed foods, canned soups, salted nuts, margarine, processed baked goods or ketchup, as well as high-sugar foods. High-sugar foods include soft drinks, syrups, jams, sweetened coffee beverages, cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, frozen desserts, ice-cream and sweet yogurts and should mostly be avoided. Menopausal women are at a stage in their lives where they must be more conscientious about calorie intake than ever in order to prevent weight gain.

Drinking right

Menopausal women should be drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. In addition to keeping you hydrated, drinking more water can reduce food cravings. Menopausal women can enjoy diluted fruit juices, vegetable juices, herbal teas, low fat milk and mineral water but it is best to avoid sweet sugary drinks.e

�Drinking tea

Green tea contains strong antioxidants and has anti-cancer properties. Similar claims have also been made about black tea. Although more research is still necessary, studies have shown that several cups of green tea a day could be effective in relieving hot flashes and sleep disturbance for menopausal women.

�Drinking coffee

Menopausal women should limit their intake of caffeine, which may improve their hot flushes and stabilize sleeping patterns. It has been suggested that a high caffeine intake during menopause may trigger night sweats.

�Reducing alcohol

Alcohol should be consumed in moderation amongst women undergoing menopause. Alcohol, as well as spicy foods, has been labeled as of the triggers of hot flushes. "Research indicates that menopausal women who drink excessively are at much higher risk for the common types of cancer, especially post-menopausal breast cancer, GynOb reports.

"One serving of alcohol can increase the risk of cancer by 7%. However, three servings of alcohol per day increases the risk by 51%."

Exercise and Fitness

�Staying active

Staying active is one of the most important aspects of getting through menopause. Dr Jane Elliot stresses the importance of "a healthy lifestyle, including exercise" for menopausal women.
Research has shown that women who undertake regular physical exercise enjoy better health than women who are sedentary.

�The benefits of exercise

There are numerous benefits to exercise during menopause: regular exercise can help women lose weight or prevent menopausal weight gain, strengthen bones and reduce the risk of breast cancer. In addition to this, exercise improves the function of the immune system, decreases the risk of heart disease, improves moods, may have a positive effect on depression or anxiety, regulates sleep patterns, increases self-esteem, boosts the metabolism and results in more energy and a better outlook on life.

�How much exercise is enough?

According to the Mayo Clinic, healthy menopausal women should undertake "at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week" as well as "strength training exercises at least twice a week." Dr Jane Elliott suggests that women do more: "At least 30 mins of exercise a day. The best exercise is the one you will keep doing regularly." Her advice is choosing an activity you enjoy. "So if you hate the gym, don't go there. For many women 30 mins brisk walk daily is a very good start."

Exercising with a friend can be a great way to keep up your fitness regime. It's fun!

�Which types of exercise

According to personal trainer Kristin McGee, it's important to work the core muscles with exercises such as the plank, especially since fat tends to settle in the belly area. McGee also suggests mixing up the types of exercises you do, such as yoga and swimming. The Women's Menopause Health Center suggests enjoying other calorie-burning day-to-day activities such as mowing your lawn, taking dance classes, or playing catch with your children or grandchildren.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to overcoming the obstacles that may arise during the menopausal transition. A recent American study explored "how and why midlife women think about health in general" and the various influences which contribute to a healthy lifestyle during menopause. It found that a majority of the menopausal women associated guilt with not making enough effort on healthy lifestyle choices such as their exercise and diet regime. It's never too late to start!

The information published in the Menopause Survival Guide is based on wide ranging research into the condition, however, our sources and the resulting content is only intended as a guide. Each woman needs to assess the available information and speak with a professional health practitioner before applying any of this content or beginning any exercise or diet program.

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Friday, May 6, 2016

New Apple Ingredient Discovery Keeps Muscles Strong!

New Apple Ingredient Discovery Keeps Muscles Strong!
 by: Michael Clonts

Image of beautiful woman eating an apple courtesy of Pixabay

Natural Component of Apple Peels Found To Help Prevent Muscle Weakening

In search of an effective method to prevent muscle wasting that comes with illness and aging, researchers have located a natural compound that is very promising.

The findings reported in the June issue of Cell Metabolism (a Cell Press publication), identify a natural component of apple peels known as Ursolic Acid as a promising newnutritional therapy for the widespread and debilitating condition that affects nearly everyone at one time or another.

"Muscle wasting is a frequent companion of illness and aging," explained researchers from The University of Iowa, Iowa City. "It prolongs hospitalization, delays recoveries and in some cases prevents people going back home. It isn't well understood and there is no medicine for it."

The research team first looked at what happens to gene activity in muscles under conditions that promote weakening. Those studies turned up 63 genes that change in response to fasting in both people and mice and another 29 that shift their expression in the muscles of both people who are fasting and those with spinal cord injury. Comparison of those gene expression signatures to the signatures of cells treated with more than 1300 bio-active small molecules led them to ursolic acid as a compound with effects that might counteract those of atrophy.

"Ursolic Acid is an interesting natural compound," they said. "It's part of a normal diet as a component of apple peels. They always say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away..."

The researchers next gave Ursolic Acid to fasted laboratory subjects. Those experiments showed that ursolic acid could protect against muscle weakening as predicted. When ursolic acid was added to the food of normal subjects for a period of weeks, their muscles grew. Those effects were traced back to enhanced insulin signaling in muscle and to corrections in the gene signatures linked to atrophy.

The subjects given ursolic acid also became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, cholesterol and triglycerides. The findings therefore suggest that ursolic acid may be responsible for some of the overall benefits of healthy eating.

"We know if you eat a balanced diet like mom told us to eat you get this material," the researchers explained "People who eat junk food don't get this."

It is not yet clear whether the findings will translate to human patients, but the goal now is to "figure out if this can help people." If so, they don't yet know whether Ursolic Acid at levels that might be consumed as part of a normal diet might or might not be enough.

Journal Reference:

mRNA Expression Signatures of Human Skeletal Muscle Atrophy Identify a Natural Compound that Increases Muscle Mass. Cell Metabolism

About The Author
Michael Clonts is the owner of the LMC Health Shop. He provides quality weight loss management, nutrition supplement, and multivitamins for supporting a healthy better you. He wants you to trust that you are putting the finest quality multivitamins, health and nutrition supplements, and weight loss products available into your body.

The author invites you to visit:

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